The first ever clinically proven solution for treating early Alzheimer's disease

Our science
VGuard utilizes non-invasive stimulation of the vagus nerve, known as transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation (atVNS). The therapy aims to enhance brain activity in structures related to memory processing, such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and locus coeruleus. Such activation is crucial in Alzheimer’s desease, where these brain structures undergo neurodegeneration, impairing memory processing.
Through years of research, we’ve developed the VGuard brain stimulator. The Vguard device is designed for daily use at home during sleep. Through several preclinical and clinical studies, the device was optimized to provides maximal clinical benefit, while ensuring safety and ease of use.
VGuard utilizes well known and tested for more than 25 years method of vagal nerve stimulation, being safe and well tolerated therapy method in other neurological indication.
VGuard undergo CE certification process as fully medical device , CE clearance is expected in 2024
The VGuard device is dedicated for patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease
Patients testimonials

Jadwiga, Age 79

Matheu, Age 71